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Vawn and Mike raised their daughters in their unique glassmaking studio. It came as no surprise that Kaitlyn and Erica grew into talented artisans themselves, and even brought their husbands into the beloved family business.More by this artisan
Leigh Kingsbury I buy these for presents all the time. Birthdays, housewarming, any excuse. People love them. They’re delicate so not appropriate for a child’s room. But a great way to up your nightlight game in a bathroom, kitchen hallway. I’ve probably bought 7 or 8 of them!
Doreen Slebodnik My Sister in Law .... 💕 it..
Priscilla Fizer Love the hearts nightlight! Works in our guest bath! We leave it on all of the time!
Edith Steinmann My daughter loved it!
Susan Turner I absolutely love these recycled nightlights. What a beautiful Valentine decoration too! I will be purchasing more of these for other special occasions as well as gifts.